A holistic approach to the whole practice
Feet are one of the most abused parts of the body. Inappropriate footwear and foot dysfunction can lead to ankle sprains, corns, bunions and callouses as well as hip, knee and back problems.
The holistic approach to the whole practice means that any referred back pain caused by foot problems can be treated on site by one of our registered Osteopaths.
We offer easy ground floor access as well as home visits.
SWIFT Verruca Treatment
Suffering from stubborn Verruca? We are now a certified Swift provider.
Swift is a verruca treatment with a difference. Unlike other verruca treatments, Swift uses microwave energy, which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin, to treat the affected tissue. As Swift does not break the surface of the skin, there is no need for bandages or dressing, leaving you to carry on your day as normal.
We are delighted to be able to offer our patients this incredible treatment. If you are struggling with a verruca, get in touch with our team and book your Swift appointment now.